MAZE Orienteering - beyond the limits

ORIENTEERING is a global sport that takes place on all continents. In recent years, ORIENTEERING has also become an exciting TV sport where you can basically follow the runner every step. Orienteering has also expanded from the forest to urban terrain and MAZE Orienteering has also increased interest in the sport.

MAZE Orienteering (MAZE O) is a multi-tool for the development of the sport of Orienteering. MAZE O can be used in many areas. MAZE O is both easy to arrange and easy for participants and audience to understand. MAZE O is a great tool for education, promotion, activities for children and youth, for training and competition. There is no other orienteering activity that has these characteristics that MAZE O has.

Next World MAZE Race will be organized between June 22nd-30th. Please make your registration at “Register your Event”! 

Please find more information about MAZE Orienteering at the link here. You can also download the booklet under “World Maze Race 2024”.

WorldMAZERace in "Lilla Sportspegeln"

On Thursday May 6th, the program “Lilla Sportspegeln” at Swedish Television (SVT) showed Maze Orienteering during 4 minutes. Please enjoy orienteering as a intensive, fun and attractive sport for kids. You can watch the program world wide until May 6th 2022 at the link as follow:
You are free to use it for promotion and marketing orienteering in all countries of the world!


What is MAZE Orienteering?

In the same way as the new Olympic sports “speed-climbing”, “surfing”, “breakdance” and “skateboard” we might consider the power of MAZE-O as a marketing activity and as a new format for competition. Maybe MAZE-O is the easiest way to conduct an orienteering activity and maybe MAZE-O can be the short-cut for orienteering to take part in the Olympics.

Our Partners

If you are interested in any of our partner’s products you can find our special MAZE offers at the